About Us

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About Medisa Novin Payesh

 Health has been known as the vital and essential right of human being and each individual is personally responsible for managing and controlling his status of health. MNP has dedicated its efforts towards optimizing self-management skills, by which patients with a chronic condition, disability, or disease can effectively take care of themselves through controlling vital body signs (Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose, Fever, etc.). The company provides tools enabling each individual independently have accurate information about the health state and reduce future healthcare complications before referring to the physician. All devices are clinically tested and certified by international Medical Associations and Reference Laboratories. MNP also provides the latest and innovative baby care products with the highest quality and best performance.



We aim to become the most reliable organization offering family health products and services for all the beneficiaries of this industry (patients, doctors, treatment centers, investors, insurers, distribution network, costumers, and business partners) in Iran and across the Middle East.




This Organization tends to present the latest technology in health industry, by developing self monitoring culture in this field, besides making profit from products and services related to health for all the people, it makes it possible to provide improvement of their health level before visiting the doctor or health centers, after the visit and during the treatment.


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  • 02141735
  • enquiry (at) kmtmed.com
  • Sat-Thu 9:00 am-6:00 pm

Number 21, Jooybar Alley, Shad St, Molla Sadra St, Tehran - Iran

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