27 th Congress of International Society of Internal Medicine

1398/11/16 - 13:42 / 4332

27 th Congress of International Society of Internal Medicine for introducing of new diagnostic and therapeutic achievements in diabetes and Thyroid, kidney disease and the emergency Symposium, was held on 3 to 6 MAY 2016, in Razi conference center in Tehran. Many of the internists, Gastroenterologist, Rheumatologist, Pulmonologist, GPs (General Practitioner) and diabetologists participated in the congress. This Congress is according to the prevalence of diabetes and blood disease in the country, most of the lectures and symposiums were dedicated to these issues. As previous years, Medisa Novin Payesh Company (M.N.P) attended in this annual conference to present its recent technologies, products and services in management and monitoring health.

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